Our Philosophy
Dear Dog and Cat Lovers,
our pets, whether small or big, dog or cat, are beloved family members. And that's what makes our pets so valuable and so special. We include our pets in our everyday lives. We take them on extended walks in the woods, make sure that they have perfectly fitting harnesses, high-quality scratching posts, soft leather collars and species-appropriate toys.
Our lifelong love for pets is our daily motivation. Our mission is to offer species-appropriate as well as comfortable equipment for dogs of all sizes and breeds as well as cats. The main focus of our product development is the welfare and comfort of the pet. All of our products are made from high-quality, innovative and frequently organic materials and offer the highest degree of functionality. Design and colour choices reflect current trends and tastes.
We want to give back a little of our success to both animals and people. Therefore, all areas of our company focus on environmental and social sustainability. Furthermore, commitment to various social animal projects are a crucial part of our company philosophy. Regular donations to local animal protection organisations and memberships such as a WWF-sponsorship, are self-evident for us. Furthermore, we also support international projects such as the organisation "A Heart for Strays", which takes care of strays and street dogs in Romania, or the organisation "Four Paws", which combats exploitative bear farms in Vietnam. Our love for animals knows neither bounds nor borders.